The most trusted
and well-regarded
dental specialists in Bell, CA

To schedule an appointment, call (323)773-5029
Address: 4327 Gage Avenue Bell, CA 90201

Did you know your dental insurance benefits don’t always roll over to next year? Like regular health insurance, many of the benefits you have this year expire when the New Year arrives, and it’s time to take advantage of those benefits before they’re gone. You have a few weeks to call and make an appointment with one of our Gage Dental Care dental professionals to take advantage of your unused insurance and to help keep your smile happy, healthy, and beautiful. 

Get Your Check-Up 

Your routine dental checkup is so important, and you should be visiting our offices twice a year. The ideal time to have your teeth cleaned is every six months. If you haven’t made it to the offices for your second visit yet, now is the time to do so. The benefit of visiting us twice a year is prevention. We can find any issues developing early, which makes treatment so much easier. You’ve already paid toward your deductible and you get two office visits included each year. Take advantage of those before the year is over and they expire. 


Fill Those Cavities

Do you have any cavities that need filling? Not only can you do it before the New Year to get a head start on your good oral health care for next year, it’s also going to benefit you to use your leftover insurance benefits to do this. If your cavity protection is part of your deductible, go now so you pay less than you are required to pay when your benefits start over next year. Your cavities need fillings and help now to prevent bigger problems next year. It’s a filling now, but it could be a root canal or extraction next year if it’s left untreated. 

Get Your Teeth Cleaned

A regular cleaning is good for your teeth. Even if you brush well and often, you’re not able to reach some places in your teeth to clean them as well as they should be cleaned. Our dental professionals have the correct tools to get down into the hard-to-reach places in your mouth to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. When you have your teeth cleaned every year, you prevent health problems from occurring. Regular cleanings prevent cavities, gum disease, plaque, and other oral health problems. 

Your dental insurance probably also allows you to have your teeth cleaned two times every year free of charge or for a small copay. It’s part of your regular maintenance, which is what most plans offer. If you haven’t used this now, it’s going to expire. Get your teeth cleaned, and save yourself from potential health problems in the future. 

Schedule Major Dental Work 

If you’ve been to the dentist this year already, you’re already paying your deductible. This means anything you have done now is less expensive since you’re close to reaching the deductible. If you have major work to do in your mouth, do it now. You will pay less. Once your plan resets at the beginning of the year, you start overpaying toward your deductible, which makes your work more expensive if you wait even a month to have it done. 

Don’t forget to call our offices today to schedule an appointment to have your mouth checked, your teeth cleaned, and your unused dental benefits used. You have them, and you don’t want to lose them. You’re paying for these benefits, and you should allow them to pay you back by taking advantage of what’s offered every year. Call our offices now to schedule an appointment so we can help you maximize your benefits and minimize your out-of-pocket expenses.